Hearing Aid Repair

Today’s hearing aids are incredibly advanced, even by the standards of only a decade ago. Miniaturized computer technology allows them to help us navigate the world of sound like never before, while rechargeable batteries and smartphone apps allow manufacturers to remove compartments and controls from the hearing aids themselves, making them more resistant to water and debris.

The major manufacturers are producing robust hearing aids of the highest quality, but our hearing aids still spend most of their time in and around the relatively inhospitable environment of our ears. While individual body chemistry, lifestyle, maintenance habits, and the climate where we live all play a role in the preservation of our hearing aids, most of them will require a repair at some point in their lifespan.

At Vital Hearing, we are proud to offer repairs for all makes and models of hearing aids, whether or not you bought your hearing aids from us. Most repairs are made in-house the day you bring your hearing aids in. Sometimes we may need to send your hearing aids back to the original manufacturer if the problem is more severe. If your hearing aids are under warranty, there will be no cost for repairs. We will provide a quote on a case-by-case basis for out-of-warranty repairs.


How do you know whether a hearing aid needs repair? There are a few steps you should take to see whether your hearing aids are broken before you bring them in:

  • Make Sure They’re Turned On: It sounds simple, but this is a common problem, especially for new wearers who may not yet be familiar with how their hearing aids work.
  • Check the Volume Level: Sometimes we accidentally bump our volume control, or turn our hearing aids down in a particular situation and then forget to turn them back up. Do a quick check to make sure your volume is set appropriately before you bring your aids in for repair.
  • Check the Batteries: If your hearing aids use disposable batteries, check to make sure you’ve inserted them in the correct orientation. If so, it might be worth trying a fresh battery before bringing them in for repair.
  • Inspect the Tubing: If you wear BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aids, look at the tubes to make sure they’re not cracked or worn out. Over time, they can develop leaks that will make your hearing aids less effective. This repair can be made quickly at our office.

When to Seek Repair

You’ve followed the troubleshooting steps above and your hearing aids still don’t work. Your hearing aids are “whistling” or “feeding back” excessively. This can be the result of an improperly fit earmold. If your earmolds were made a long time ago, or if your weight has changed significantly since your ear impressions were taken, it may be that you need new earmolds to accommodate your new ear shape. If your hearing aids have visible damage, you should bring them in. Even if they still work, cracks or holes in the case of your hearing aids will make the sensitive electronics inside much more vulnerable to environmental moisture and debris. The broken case should be replaced as soon as possible to help avoid additional damage.

Prevent Damage with Regular Care

More than half of out-of-warranty hearing aid repairs are made due to moisture damage. Moisture is the enemy of electronics, and unfortunately, hearing aids are exposed to a lot of moisture as they sit in or around our ears.

Each night when you take out your hearing aids, be sure to wipe them with a clean, dry cloth. If you have disposable batteries, leave the battery compartments open overnight to allow any moisture that has accumulated inside to evaporate.

Try to keep your hearing aids out of the bathroom. The humidity generated by a shower or bath is not good for them, and the same goes for cosmetics like makeup and hairspray. It’s best to leave your hearing aids in another room while you complete your bathroom routines in the morning and at night.

If you know that your hearing aids encounter a lot of moisture, it may be worth investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier to help thoroughly dry them out overnight.

We can also help by periodically performing a professional cleaning that will ensure your hearing aids are perfectly clean and dry.

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